Friday 29 March 2013

Acupuncture Treatment Improve the Immune System for Health and Wellbeing!

Acupuncture is a good method to treat various diseases, common diseases and pain disorders. This is a very effective and painless way to treat the disease and does not require a painful and dangerous procedure. Acupuncture does not require irreversible treatments such as surgery or harmful procedures such as radiation exposure to X-rays Why do patients feel comfortable acupuncture as a treatment method for its ability to cure diseases without negative side effects.
Acupuncture treatment of pain is a positive selection. The body contains meridians or energy channels. When a MERIDIAN becomes blocked, preventing the body from being able to solve the problem, it results in disease. Acupuncture needles release the blockage and allow the energy to flow freely. Acupuncture needles helps circulation and they allow the energy to flow freely around the body. This allows functions and systems of the body to improve the body's ability to absorb and digest better. Acupuncture is a great way to increase the flow of energy throughout the body and heal disease.

Monday 25 March 2013

Acupuncture for IVF

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In a study, they found that the acupuncture group had a miscarriage rate reduced to only 8% of the women who became pregnant, while the non-acupuncture group miscarried 20% of the time. A study out of Italy shows that acupuncture made women 24% more likely to become pregnant.

Another study conducted by the University of Maryland's School of Medicine reviewed 1,366 women who had undergone IVF, and compared those who received acupuncture against those who received either "sham or fake" acupuncture treatments or no additional therapy at all. The results were astounding - those women who received "real" acupuncture had an increase in pregnancy rates 65% higher than those who received the fake treatment or none at all. These studies point very strongly toward acupuncture as a great complementary therapy for IVF.

In another conflicting study from the University of Hong Kong that suggests "placebo acupuncture" may be as much or more effective that real acupuncture. Published on November of 2008 in Human Reproduction, placebo acupuncture is described as using needles that retract into the handle, still giving the sensation and appearance of entering the skin. Women who received this therapy actually had a slightly higher pregnancy rate than those receiving the real thing. Analysts attempting to explain these results suggest that placebo acupuncture is quite similar to acupressure, which is already a recommended pregnancy-enhancing therapy. Another view is that women who undergo these treatments significantly reduce their stress levels, another known positive factor in pregnancy success.

While scientists are still debating about whether or not acupuncture is helpful in itself and, if so, what makes it helpful, the evidence continues to mount. More and more doctors and researchers are taking on this interesting issue and are seeing results.

Who it Helps

One problem with the studies on acupuncture is that the groups of women these studies have chosen are very different. Some studies collect results after the fact - that is, the patients have already decided for themselves whether or not to add complementary therapies like acupuncture to their IVF procedure, and the pregnancy rates are analysed after the procedures have taken place. Criticism of this analysis method includes the suggestion that couples with more severe infertility problems may be more likely to choose acupuncture on their own, therefore skewing the test results. Other doctors endeavor to eliminate this possibility by asking couples to be part of a study and dividing the agreeing groups randomly into acupuncture and non-acupuncture groups.

How it Helps

Scientists who can't agree on whether or not acupuncture helps during IVF are even less likely to agree about how the process actually works. Those who put some stock in the complementary therapy, though, tend to think that the treatment relieves stress, and there is significant evidence that women who are less stressed are more likely to become pregnant. Some skilled acupuncturists even say that the therapy can balance hormones in the body, which also makes sense in helping boost fertility rates. Others describe specific acupuncture methods that increase blood flow to the uterus, therefore thickening the wall and making it more receptive for the new embryo.

Regardless of how it works, though, there is certainly plenty of evidence out there that acupuncture does work for many couples trying to conceive. Both for IVF and those wanting to conceive naturally.
For more questions regarding how Acupuncture can help you conceive contact

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Effective Treatment through Acupuncture Sydney !

Stress is the bad for every human being today. In the modern era, especially in Sydney, the main causes and factor of illness is stress or we can say that stress is just like work of poison in human life. Stress causes disruptions at work, our sleeping and daily life. With so many hours that people spend stuck in the office combined with the major family issues, illness related to stress have become extremely high . But here major question arises by most people that how will remove stress or how can one manage this dreadful stress?
Acupuncture is and extremely popular and successful treatment in Sydney relieving people from stress and anxiety. There is most experience practitioners available for an effective treatment in  relieving your body from stress and other health problems too. We hope that our treatments help you back to a healthy and happy lifestyle.
Acupuncture are not only provides stress treatment but beauty services do also. If you want to have a nice bright skin, feel beautiful inside and out, then our treatments are for you. But I think every men/women has one question always moving him/her in mind that, what is benefit of Beauty Facial?
But don’t worry, there are following points which we can do to help satisfy your beauty and health needs, that what is the benefit of Acupuncture Beauty facial does:

* Looking beautiful and pretty.
* It represents or defines facial features.
* Improve brightness and charming
* Make soft firm and skin.
* Remove pore size.
* Reduce pimple.
* Reduce the appearance of pigmentation.
* Repair and reduce broken capillaries.

There are many and top well qualified Acupuncture and Beauty Centre in all corners Sydney (Australia) But Acupuncture is really very effective and professional Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Massage and Beauty Services.