Tuesday 24 April 2012

Beauty therapist Sydney

This is a difficult thing to decide what beauty is best for you and your body. There are many products and many treatments to choose from. They range from a light touch to hide blemishes, for the full spa treatment are considered the day when you're body and mind in an unimaginable number of therapy sessions, healthy and peaceful.

Before deciding how far the rabbit hole you go you should find a shop or a spa that is relatively close to see what they can offer. B
eauty therapist Sydney will give a fairly extensive search, associated with it, but you can change details a little more. Hot stone massage and mud facial will give you something more concrete. Many chemical treatments have been under the fire of beauty from around the world, saying they are too harsh on the skin and may end up with a rash or pain after treatment. For this reason, began to include more of these alternatives, which the body to use and more natural. Most common treatments include oatmeal, olive oil, cucumber and avocado, which contain healthy natural oils that the body can use easily. All these natural products that have not been touched by a chemical process, and therefore give your body the best it can offer. As cosmetologists have found that a combination of ecological and organic products, which are used in conjunction with products dermatological tested, which are to replenish and restore skin cells, leaving a healthy and youthful. Treatment of hair and nails also effective with a combination of natural ingredients. The oils can be washed in the hair cuticle, and to help promote healthy growth and significantly improve the thickness. It works wonders when used in conjunction with a regular manicure and pedicure. Natural waxes for waxing, chemical peels person to free treatment, all natural methods to improve and beautify the skin and the body of a harmless way and leave you looking and feeling good.

Monday 2 April 2012

National Registration for Acupuncture and TCM

National Registration and what this means for Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Australia

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is currently an unregulated health profession in Australia. This means that anyone can call themselves an Acupuncturist or Chinese Herbalist and are able to treat patients with no proper uniform training or experience.  
There are many greatly skilled and fully qualified practitioners out there however it is difficult for patients to know for sure who these practitioners are and how to find them.

From the 1st July 2012 Chinese Medicine practitioners must be registered under the national registration accreditation scheme with the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia and meet all the Board’s Registration standards in order to practice in Australia. Therefore all acupuncturists, Chinese herbal medicine practitioners and dispensers will fall under the same national registration scheme as doctors, dentists and physiotherapists.

Registration means all practitioners will have undergone the proper training and are under government accreditation standards. This will better protect you as the patient. Under this registration you can trust the practitioners will provide you with a suitable level of care and products that are prescribed and dispensed properly.

As a qualified and experienced practitioner myself, this is great news for our profession and this means better patient care for all future patients. This is a huge step forward for all Chinese Medicine Practitioners.